In a devastating turn of events that has shocked the hockey world, the Columbus Blue Jackets are grappling with the tragic loss of All-Star winger Johnny Gaudreau and his younger brother Matthew. The two were struck by a suspected drunken driver while riding bicycles in their home state of New Jersey, just three weeks before the opening of training camp.
President of hockey operations and general manager Don Waddell along with four of Gaudreau’s teammates gathered at Nationwide Arena to address the media and express their sorrow over the untimely passing of the 31-year-old star. A nighttime candlelight vigil, featuring 13 minutes and 21 seconds of silent remembrance in honor of Johnny and Matthew’s jersey numbers, will take place to pay tribute to their memory.
“While there’s a huge hole in our lineup, there’s an even bigger one in our hearts,” Waddell said, acknowledging the difficult road ahead for the team. “Our immediate focus is on supporting the Gaudreau family and supporting each other as we continue to grieve the loss of Johnny and Matthew.”
Center and team captain Boone Jenner emphasized the importance of unity and perseverance in the face of tragedy. “As a team, we’re going to get through this together,” Jenner affirmed. “We’re going to grieve, cry, be vulnerable and support each other every step of the way, but we will persevere because I know that’s what Johnny would’ve wanted.”
Defenseman Erik Gudbranson shared his personal connection to Gaudreau, noting how the late player’s unique personality brought their team closer together. “You will continue to inspire me to be just like you,” Gudbranson said, highlighting the impact Gaudreau had on his teammates.
Despite turning down a more lucrative offer from the New Jersey Devils, Johnny Gaudreau chose to sign a $68.25 million, seven-year contract with the Blue Jackets in 2022. Fellow defenseman Zach Werenski praised Gaudreau’s decision to fully embrace the city of Columbus, showing his commitment to the team and community.
The loss of Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau has cast a shadow over the Blue Jackets organization, but the team remains determined to honor their memory and support each other as they navigate this difficult time. As they face an uncertain future without their beloved teammate, the spirit of Johnny Gaudreau will continue to inspire and unite the players both on and off the ice.